Ken Johnson

Part of the Owler Lane Class of '62


After I left Hind House, I tried various jobs but couldn't settle at any of them. Eventually, in 1974, a teacher at Owler Lane who was late for work, very kindly knocked me off my motorbike, severly redesigning my right forearm (and his mini- I pushed the engine back 3 inches). I say kindly because the compensation for that little happening paid for my flight to Australia in December 1974. It has turned out to be the best favour anyone has ever done for me.

I have spent most of my working life here as an electronics technician, first for Telecom Australia, then for various private companies. For the last 10 years I have been a security officer for the Department of Defence, walking round in large circles on a 60 acre block several times a shift. It was actually an explosives storage area on a rather magnificent spit of land jutting out in to Storm Bay- you couldn't want a better place to spend your final working years.

I have retired now, so I can finally get around to building a miniature railway track round our block, revert back to childhood and play with a giant trainset. I have room to put in about 345m of track in a figure 8, depending on the ruling from the local administration (or as Rumpole would say, SWMBO)

If you take a look at my other web pages, you will see some of the things that keep me amused in my "spare" time (it's all "spare" now!)

Here's a shot of me in 2009 on one of my miniature loco's, building and running these is one of my hobbies

I am also a member of the Hobart branch of the Ulysses club, here some of us are preparing to ride on the Christmas Toy Run, a charity event to collect money and presents for needy families at Christmas time.
